Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tyler the Wild One

Not long after I moved in to my new house, thought of adopting a cat became so clear. I have been waiting to have a friend after 4 full years living without any pet in the home. It could get that very lonely sometimes.

Jan.14 was the day I adopted Tyler, the lucky one out of the 6 siblings.

He was amazingly well behaved...Well, for a few days until I dewormed him. From the moment he felt better, well-behaved turned wild. He would run around the room, tearing off roll of tissue into tiny bits. I have had to bear several claw marks on both my hands and legs since he would start to jump and cling on to anything that moved. He still does.

I kept him safe and well but little did I know that my Tyler has been dying to leave the house for his own adventure. Yesterday was the first time he climbed up the wall and walked away. My heart was sinking from the though of losing him. Of course, he was only 5 months old! I sat waiting for him until morning, when he came back.

From that day on, Tyler's attitude changed. He was so determined to go out and no interest in eating at all. He would only come back when he's hungry. As for me, I am trapped in guilt. It would be alright if he was out and safe, but if it turns out different. If he never comes back...How am I supposed to live with myself? The thought of being an irresponsible owner is unacceptable but it was also my plan to give him all the freedom he needs as he grows. I can never caged him, yet I love him too much to let him roam around with ropes on. I guess I love him too much to not care of what would happen to him if there's a dog or mean neighbor wanting him dead....

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