Crows Zero is a film based on manga Crows by Hitoshi Takahami. Suzuran Senior High School for Boys, nickname "School of Crows", is the poorest achieving, most violent high school in the country. he students are called "crows" and they band together in factions,
battling each other for influence and power. But they all share a common
goal, one that has never been reached in the school's history:
unification. No one faction has ever reigned supreme. Genji Takiya, a
transfer student who attempts to take over Suzuran Boys High School and
is mentored by old boy yakuza Katagiri as he faces off against rival
Serizawa (IMDB).
Well, besides the boys and violent, what I like most in the movie is that there are a lot of unification, loyalty, and respect. Even if it can be hard-earned, usually through a fight which society stands against. Strong bonds exist not because of money but because one choose to, out of respect and admiration to the other.
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